and to you, i'm sorry.

Today I took a different turn down my street.

I passed the drugged up homeless man. He had served our country for 10yrs.
When he came home he found his wife in bed with another man, after he suffered from a nervous break down she took everything.
Other then his two kids, she was his only family. I pretended I never saw him

I walked past the wealthy business man with an empty briefcase, he’d just been made redundant and though he was walking tall, he felt like the smallest man in the world. I never gave him a second thought.

I sat on a bench next to an old lady wearing knee high boots and red lipstick; she just wanted her first kiss before she passes away. I moved benches

I stared at the disgustingly heavy fat girl eating a doughnut. She had just come from her best friend’s funeral. Her best friend died of an eating disorder. She was the fat girl’s closest thing to ever having a sister. I laughed and whispered to my friends about her.

I bitched about the girl with the orange face. Her boyfriend makes her feel worthless, ugly. He hit her last night, she where’s the make up to cover the bruises. She’s to scared to leave him, not because of the abuse but because she thinks that no one will ever love her. I just assumed she was a slag.

Today I pushed pasted the old man walking slowly in front of me because I was in a rush. He’ll be going home tonight to an empty flat, he’ll kiss his wife’s picture and spray her side of the bed with her favourite perfume. So when he sleeps he won’t feel so alone. I never turned round to say sorry.

Tomorrow I’ll smile at the man still living for nothing. I’ll smile at the man with the brave look on his face and the lady who’s still dreaming. I’ll send a smile to the fat girl who didn’t torture herself to fit in, I’ll smile to the girl who’ll do anything to be loved Today I’ll smile at the old romantic who meant the words “till death do we part.”

Tomorrow I’ll take that same wrong turn but this time I’ll smile at the strangers, so for that one moment they know that the whole worlds not against them.

It was just a smile.

“All my love”

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