Grabbing at air

play this and read... 

Today my biggest dream was to catch a fairy from a dandelion, I chased and chased and ran. I soared, I flew I circled. I fell. I was in complete awe of what I wanted.
My hands reached out with the sun beaming down and as I skipped with my hands wide open, I went for it.
I took that massive lunged and swung round to face my fist. I froze. In fear. With the thought of what if I hadn’t caught it?
What if I missed my chance?
What if I couldn’t make my wish?

I opened my hand to see that I grabbed at air.

There was nothing for me to wish for, no hope, no faith, no beauty.
My heart sunk, if it was to beat now it would break my chest.

… but I stopped for a second, in that one moment time had frozen. The stars where out I realised I had been running for ages on false hope.

I looked up and they looked back at me in their thousands with smiles on their faces. Why make one wish, I thought.
When I have so many things worth living for.
Why should I put all my effort in to chasing one fairy, when I have all the shooting stars in the sky to follow, and so many reasons to live as bright amongst them? To never feel disappointed.

It was just a thought.

"All my love,"


  1. i just love the whole feel of this! how you feel and the words you've used to describe every moment is incredible, i love it.

  2. This is my favourite :)

    - all my love;
    The girl who runs with foals.
